This Summer’s Hottest Drinks

Summer is here!

While the season may conjure up images of sunbathing on a beach or skipping out of the workplace early to cool down with an evening cocktail, you don’t have to wait until after hours to indulge in some of your favorite summer drinks.

A wide selection of cold, refreshing drinks full of tropical flavors will bring the island vibes right up to your desk. We’ve been keeping an eye on what drinks consumers are cracking open this season and which products you should have on hand in your breakrooms.

Well, Well, Wellness

Starting with the definition of what’s on trend, new-age drinks are taking our markets by storm. These drinks are healthier alternatives to the legacy beverages known to dominate the market.

With reduced sugar and added nutrients, these drinks are perfect for a health-conscious public looking for alternatives to high-sugar, carbonated beverages like sodas. Despite the name, new-age beverages aren’t new; they’ve been around for nearly a decade!

The desire for guilt-free indulgence allows these products to stay relevant throughout their tenure. Often made with electrolytes and other nutrients, these drinks are designed to refresh and hydrate without sacrificing delicious flavors.

So Juicy

You don’t have to be ashamed of sneaking a juice box for yourself. These childhood favorites are for adults too. With bold citrusy and fruity flavors, not to mention all the great-for-you vitamins and nutrients, fruit juice is a summer fan favorite.

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and limes are especially great sources of water and vitamin C in the summertime. According to several lifestyle news outlets, they help to reduce body temperature, and vitamin C is a great nutrient to prevent skin damage in hot weather.

A classic glass of OJ, a bottle of grape juice, or an apple juice box will help you stay cool and energized this summer. And you won’t be alone; juice rises in popularity as summer comes around. Stock up and enjoy!

A Bit of the Bubbly

It seems like everywhere you turn there’s a new brand entering the sparkling water or seltzer market. It comes as no surprise given how often people have plucked these fizzy favorites from store shelves.

The number of brands in the sparkling water space is increasing, and so are the innovative flavor combinations. Sparkling water distributors are pairing tropical tastes like pineapple and coconut with the citrus of lemon and lime. Fruit flavors from passionfruit to peach are capturing buyers’ attention.

Alternative sodas are also trending. Carbonated with ingredients like apple cider vinegar, these alternatives are a health-conscious replacement for a classic cola.

Go with Your Gut

Alternative sodas aren’t just a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth. Often paired with prebiotics and probiotics, they also support gut health!

Probiotics, the healthy bacteria in your gut that aid digestion, are essential to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Fermented tea drinks like kombucha are loaded with these, and their cult following is steadily growing. Kombucha might not be king for long, though. New brands are constantly popping up with probiotics in flavored sparkling and water varieties.

As the summer sun blazes on, everyone will be looking for cold, refreshing drinks. This summer, pack up your cooler and fill your workplace with summertime flavor and hydration-forward beverages. After hours, you can enjoy some happy hour fun, but you’ll have to keep the drinks zero-proof when at work. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Take 5 Vending keeps all of your team’s favorites in stock all summer long. Get started today to kick off the season in style.

Simple Ways To Get A Vending Machine In Your Office

Simple Ways To Get A Vending Machine In Your Office

While it may be relatively easy to get a vending machine in your office, it can be significantly more difficult to keep it there—particularly as an effective productivity tool. Here’s what you can do to simplify the process of getting a vending machine, maintaining it, and ensuring it boosts employee effectiveness.

Why Add Vending Machines?

Successful companies add vending machines for the same reasons they add other office tools, such as computers, comfortable seating, and ergonomic desks; It can boost productivity. When considering the simplest ways to get a vending machine, the underlying reason, productivity, serves as the foundation of your strategy.

A vending machine in the office can:

  • Keep employees from leaving your location. You’d be hard-pressed to find an employee that’s both happy and hungry. A vending machine keeps them from satisfying their hunger off-campus. As a result, they stay within a few steps of their work instead of going around the corner for a bite.
  • You provide a quick, easy, and cost-effective solution. Employees love fast, simple, inexpensive solutions and a vending machine checks off all three boxes. You save them both time and money, and that leads to a more content workforce.

Should You Purchase And Self-Fill Or Use A Service?

As mentioned above, getting a vending machine can be less complicated than maintaining it and making sure it helps productivity instead of hindering it. That is why many winning companies choose to use a service to fill and maintain their vending machines, making a provider like Take 5 Vending a simpler solution.

For example, picture the following scenario: Your employees are absolutely loving a hot new energy bar in your vending machine. They’re literally, well, eating it up. It’s a big hit around 10:00 am and 3:00 pm when people need a little boost to stay productive and on-task. But you run out. One by one, your workers start drifting out the front door and to their cars to get that energy bar somewhere else.

You can feel your productivity slipping, so you rush out the door to your local Costco, white-knuckling through the 20-minute drive. Costco has what you want and what feels like an impossibly long line. You finally check out, then drive another 20 minutes back to the office.

You then wrestle with the vending machine, opening it up, and shoving the energy bars in there. You close it up, muscle it back into place, then return, sweaty, to your desk.

How much time did you lose? How many employees left anyway? The opportunity costs of self-managing a vending machine can skyrocket over time.

On the other hand, by using a managed vending machine solution, you don’t have to worry about running out or managing the restocking process. This is because:

  • Your vendor makes sure you have the stock you need
  • Your vendor can use predictive analytics to figure out when an item is likely to run out ahead of time
  • Your vendor handles the resupply process

How To Enhance Your Vending Machine Solution

There’s a lot you can do to optimize the effectiveness of your vending machine solution, making it a flexible resource with a ton of upside potential. For example, you can:

  • Strategize the best possible location for the machine based on foot traffic and space. For instance, while a breakroom may be a strong option, another space, such as your front welcome area, may get even more foot traffic.
  • Provide funds for your employees as a perk. You can give each employee vending machine credits, encouraging them to use the machine while simultaneously showing appreciation for their hard work. The productivity pay-off can more than cover the few bucks you give each employee.
  • Issue a survey regarding the kinds of items employees want in the vending machine. Their top picks may surprise you, and you demonstrate a genuine interest in their opinions.

Getting A Vending Machine The Simple Way – What It Looks Like

With Take 5 Vending, the processes of getting and maintaining your vending machines come with only one action step on your part:

  1. You connect with Take 5, and our professionals handle the rest, including a site survey, installation with a 30-day turnaround, stocking, restocking, and maintenance.

Take 5 Vending’s machines send reports regarding current and projected inventory levels, which are used to automatically schedule resupply trips. Maintenance calls are taken care of via whichever means you prefer: email, chat, or a phone call. To learn more about how simple it is to get a vending machine in your office, connect with Take 5 Vending today.


Vending Machine in Warehouse